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  • Iulia Vasciuc Team Member Spotlight

Iulia Vasciuc Team Member Spotlight


Iulia Vasciuc

Operations Director

Cluj-Napoca, Romania
iulia avatar team member spotlight
 How long have you been working for ScaledOn?

Since March 2016.

What is your role here at ScaledOn?

Operations Director

What’s a work related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?

Growing brands on Amazon from 0 to 6-figure number is an accomplishment I am proud of.

What is your marketing superpower?

I like to build strategies and identify the opportunities to grow each particular client. Data analysis is another part of my work that I enjoy a lot.

How do you stay motivated working remotely?

I think creating a working from home routine and setting the goals/priorities for the day/week is the key.

I try to dress as if I would go to the office, minimize distractions and set up a comfortable working environment.

I enjoy the flexibility that working remotely gives to me and my family.

Best career advice you’ve received

Focus wins.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love reading – self-improvement books are my favourite as it’s so important to believe in the power of your own thoughts and positive energy. I like as well driving a lot. It is the best way to relax and start the day in a very good mood.

If you could trade lives with anyone for a week who would it be and why?

Honestly, I do not want to trade lives with anyone. I am thankful and happy for what I am and have. There is always a place for improvement, but want to continue living my life as it was designated.

Favorite place to travel

Anywhere in the world, but driving :)))))

What’s one thing you can’t live without and why?

I am pretty adaptable, not sure there is a thing I can’t live without unless it is a vital thing (like air, food, water, etc.) If the question would be about one person, that definitely would be my daughter :))).

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I am afraid of heights but enjoying a lot the speed :))) My kid is trying to make me brave and fight my acrophobia each time we are visiting an adventure park.

What’s currently on your playlist?

Just listening to relaxing music or radio stations.