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  • 30 Best Emojis for Black Friday & Cyber Monday Campaigns

30 Best Emojis for Black Friday & Cyber Monday Campaigns

Holidays are around the corner. Are you ready to improve your game as a digital marketer or business owner? 

Today, digital marketers don’t just use emojis because they’re fun. Emojis have some actual uses. Just featuring them on social media increases engagement. Well-known brands like Coca-Cola and KFC have embedded emojis in their marketing communications.

Using emojis invokes emotions and reactions in your target audience, and your content and marketing campaigns feel more natural. Ads with emojis have a 2x higher click-through rate than ads without them.

Emojis are the best way to keep your holiday marketing simple and effective. Want to know the top emojis to use for your Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing? Keep on reading!

Black Friday Emojis

You can use these emojis for your Black Friday marketing. Black Friday is the first day of the Christmas season. Many shops worldwide offer promoted sales on their products, and workers take a day off to participate with their families and buy items with huge discounts.These are some of the emojis you can use to get your customers into the Black Friday spirit:

  • Black Heart

  • Black Flag

  • Shopping Bags

  • Person Running

  • Shopping Cart

Cyber Monday Emojis

Cyber Monday was created in the twenty-first century and is held on the Monday after Thanksgiving. It is an opportunity for people to continue shopping after Black Friday since many discounted products are still available in online stores and services. 

If you want to stand out, try using the following emojis for your Cyber Monday ads.

  • Camera 

  • Laptop

  • Video Game

  • Phone Selfie

  • Price Tag

black friday cyber monday

Limited Time Offer Emojis

These emojis are useful for time-limited deals and other eCommerce offers. They can be used for marketing campaigns regarding a brand’s sales, promotions, discounts, and offers during the holiday season.

Here are the top emojis for limited-time offers:

  • Lightning Flash

  • Hourglass Timer

  • Person Running Fast

  • Fire

  • Alarm Clock

Huge Savings Emojis

These emojis are great to use, especially for a wide range of e-commerce marketing deals that involve money, such as payment, sales, promotions, and discounts.

  • Money Mouth Face

  • Money with Wings 

  • Money Bag

  • Dollar Sign

  • Credit Card

Holiday Gifting Emojis

These emojis represent holidays, presents, and celebrations. You can use them in your digital marketing campaign to engage a target audience that is looking to find presents for their loved ones.

  • Snowman 

  • Wrapped Present

  • Christmas Tree

  • Snowflake

  • Glowing Star

Show Emphasis Emojis

You can use these emojis when you want to announce that your content offers something great. These emojis are perfect to use if you need to highlight a particular part of your content.

  • Collision Symbol

  • Exclamation Mark

  • Megaphone

  • Heart Eyes 

  • Party Popper

Need copy ideas for Black Friday & Cyber Monday?

Download our FREE examples of email subject lines and social media ad copy.

Final Thoughts

Using emojis in your campaign can lend your brand a different personality for more relatability. Emojis can humanize your brand and establish rapport with your audience.

What are you waiting for? Use these emojis in your marketing campaign and get ready for increased engagement and clicks.

Need to improve your holiday campaigns? Here, at ScaledOn, we can help you with that! We have helped hundreds of companies in some of the toughest red ocean markets on the internet with our proven playbooks.
